A.C.E. 3
ACE CD 3.iso
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Hawkeye Docs
Xamox, a planet on the edge of the Wiky Way, is home to an almost
perfect civilisation.But a race of Nomads concerned with Galactic
pirate security -the Skryksis- found the Xamoxians too perfect.
In the time of Noran, the Skryksis forces invaded Xamox,viciously
massacring it's perfect race and making a base on Xamox,construc-
ting radiation plants.
A few Xamoxians survived the massacre and went into hiding in un-
derground chambers,vowing to seek revenge against the Skryksis.
Working for generations, the survivors developed a synthetic life
form (SLF) , half robot ,half human - specially designed to break
through the heavily guarded sectors leading to radiation plants.
Now the SLF is completed , but the controlling processors are not
considered fast enough to let it enter into combat with the enemy
environment on it's own. However ,it's mind is in synchronisation
with the movements of the -Xamoxian battling droid- which remote-
controls the SLF.
The SLF is Hawkeye -and now is the testing time as Hawkeye is re-
leased into the savage wilderness of New Xamox.
Controls :
from the title screen you can toggle :
F1 -- In game music on/off
F2 -- In game sound on/off
HAWKEYE 's directional movement is controlled via the joystick in
Port 2.
To jump,move the joystick up and HAWKEYE moves diagonally up left
or right as long as the joystick is pushed in the appropirate di-
rction. Jumps of different lengths are possible.
Instruction :
The aim is to collect all the puzzle pieces scattered about each
of the 12 levels.The eye of either hawk head-on the left or right
of the screen-winks in the direction of the next piece to be col-
lect a jingle sounds and HAWKEYE should be manoeuvred to the far
right of the level to complete it.
There are four deadly weapons to choose from,all displayed in the
window to the left of the display planel.
Loading Instructions :
F1 - Pistol F2 - Machine Gun
F3 - Laser F4 - Rocket launcher
The pistol is the first weapon option and has unlimed ammunition
but inflicts little damage on the larger monsters .All other wea-
pons are increasingly more powerful but have limited ammunition
(the level of ammo is displayed as a bar underneath the selected-
weapon item).
Diagonally ammuntion is collected during the game and fully res-
tored at the beginning if each level.
to pause : SPACE
To quit and restart : ESC
End of transmission...................